Philip Carli is one of the world’s leading silent film accompanists, and this is his library of films, books, records and other oddments from the silent film era. Subscribe for members-only content and to see a new silent film every month with accompaniment improvised live on the spot by one of the best.
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The Regeneration with live piano by Philip Carli
The Regeneration is one of the great no-longer-lost films of the early silent period. The first gangster feature and the first film directed by Raoul Walsh, it is also one of the first films that Dr. Carli scored, for the
I Kiss Your Hand, Madame with live piano by Philip Carli
I Kiss Your Hand, Madame was filmed in Germany (as Ich küsse Ihre Hand, Madame) in 1928, released in 1929 – so late in the silent period that it was not silent. While the filming was done as usual (for
Sealed Orders or The Mysterious X (1914)
The Danes knew how to make a good film. Det Hemmelighedsfulde X (Danish for The Mysterious X) was filmed in 1913 and released in 1914, reaching the US under the title Sealed Orders. It is a melodramatic spy thriller with