Silent Cinema Salon

Your portal to the silent film era.

Photo of projector screen near a lamp, chair and cat.

Here you will find films Dr. Carli has scored, or been otherwise involved with, or simply thinks you would enjoy. Where possible I will provide free access through a link to a site where it is hosted (e.g. YouTube or the Library of Congress), but some will be free to subscribers only (they will be marked) while others were published commercially or by other entrepreneurs, and for these the link will lead to their sites. In any case, I will only post films that we have helped to create or have watched and can vouch that the production values are as good as can be had. We hope you enjoy them!


2 thoughts on “Film Vault”

  1. Carolyn Thornton

    We very much enjoyed the music accompanying “Within Our Gates”. Is there a recording of the soundtrack available?

    1. Hello! Sorry to take so long for this reply – and for the fact that so far, it is mostly negative. Dr. Carli recorded that score for a video series (Origins of American film many years ago, and the answer I have so far (though I will keep working on it!) is that, uncharacteristically, they have not preserved the videotaped performances, at least not yet, at the library. (The one exception is The Origins of American Animation, which I have linked on our site in the film vault) The series was picked up by… hmm, either TCM or AMC, and I am assuming that is where you saw it with Dr. Carli’s score.

      It WAS also remastered onto DVD, and I know this for sure because it comes up in library catalogs, including at the U or R. However, Image Entertainment, which published the DVD version in 2005, seems to have gone out of business; I only see it listed in the past tense, and Amazon does not carry even a used copy of the set. And we have only the videotape proof copies supplied back in 1994, and don’t have the equipment to retrieve them.

      So my best advice is to check the link I included above of the library copies, and see if there is a library in your area that has the set. And now that I’m thinking of it, I may borrow a copy myself and see if I can’t steal Dr. Carli’s own music back from that! If I manage it, I’ll let you know!



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